Love Story with Penelope Austin & Scott Fardy

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Where did you both meet? 

Scott & I met inadvertently through a mutual friend.. At the time Scott was based in Canberra for Rugby and I lived in my artists studio in Potts Point. We decided to get together for dinner in Surry Hills, after Scott endured an unfortunate injury. It wasn't a case of boy meets girl, love at first sight.. I knew nothing about rugby. He knew nothing about music. I had come off a huge day rehearsing for an upcoming show and for the first time in my life I was running late! I suppose in a sense being so focused on work, ultimately worked in my favour because I guess I was distracted in a sense. He had a kind nature. He was handsome. There was a familiarity between the two of us. And.. He also kissed like a gentlemen.

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Do you think there is a secret to a happy and long-lasting relationship? 

I don't know if there is a universal secret out there.. I think two people create their own! I think Scott & I have a pretty unique relationship in the sense we had both spent most of our lives alone. Being independent is apart of our blueprint. So we cherish & respect that part of each other. We don't try and change one another. We always remember to laugh. And we always love harder. At the end of the day if everything is important, nothing is important. He is my most valuable asset. As I am his.

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The Wedding Series Love Stories Penelope Austin Scott Fardy 3

Scott, what do you love most about Penny? 

Her sense of humour.

Penny, how did Scott propose?

We had just come off a huge world tour.. I had travelled through the United States on a writing trip and Scott was based in London for the 2015 Rugby World Cup. We arrived home after 5 months on the road to our half built house. Slowly though our home started to take shape, and 

for me personally it was the first home I had since loosing my mother at 15 years of age. To celebrate the completion, Scott suggested we have a glass of Verve. I had absolutely no idea, nor did I even think it strange to have a glass of bubbles on a Tuesday. We were exhausted but content.. What happened next changed the course of my life and heart line. He was on one knee. He promised I would never have to run again to find the home I lost. He was home. He would always be home. I said yes to forever.

Sunset views overlooking glorious Watson’s Bay
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The Wedding Series were honoured to be part of your stunning wedding. Tell us a little bit about your magical day? 

We returned to the Southern Highlands, and got married on the Milton Park Estate where I once lived with my mother. The grounds are spectacular, and there was magic. Magic in the day. The weather. Our guests. Between us. The estate once symbolised a place where I lost my home, but our wedding day signified getting it all back. I couldn't have dreamt it. There was nothing I would change. It was effortless. There was so much love in the air too. I don't know if it was because of the history I have with Milton Park, but the day was filled with so much heart. We danced until the early hours and had night caps within the walls of the old manner before we all rested our weary heads. It was the best, most precious day of my life

If you could both give one piece of advice for future couples on their wedding day, what would it be? 

To always bring yourself back to each other. The little things don't matter. Even some of the big things don't matter. All that matters is the man at the end of the isle. It’s that simple. There could have been no one there with us. Which I know sounds selfish, because they all made our day totally spectacular and amazing but.. Our focus was entirely on each another, and that’s what made the day so unforgettable. I’ve never seen him look at me that way, nor have I felt a love generate from me like it was for him in the 24hrs we had. Its over before it’s begins. Take note of the small things. The details. His eyes. Listen to the laughter. Be present. Always be present. 

What does being part of The Wedding Series ‘Love Stories’ mean to you? 

We're honoured to be apart of such a beautiful collaboration, showcasing love. How lucky are we? There are so many incredible, inspirational love stories out there, so to be approached to share our own journey was heart warming. To work alongside such a remarkable, creative & talented team of people has been a really wonderful experience and I can't wait to see the final result. Such a precious project. Love.. What a wonderful thing to celebrate. 

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